Friday, March 25, 2011

Waking up...Better!

The prompt for Five Minute Friday is: Waking up. Here are the rules: Write for 5 minutes without editing, then link back to Lisa-Jo. Invite others to join in!


Waking up is what I do every morning...taking for granted my first breath, first glance, first thought, first action, first smell, first emotion...instinctively...hardly ever giving a moment's thought about those who didn't wake up to this precious gift of life today...How small my world is with its own share of problems - ups, downs, joys, pains.  How dare I take it all for granted!  Tomorrow will take care of itself but as for today....

"God give me this day my daily bread; thank you for the countless blessings you have given me, especially the gifts of life, love, joy and most of all a new day with new mercies.  Help me to accomplish all that you have purposed for me today and to rest in knowing that you have equipped me to only handle those assignments...and nothing more...Amen."